HemLediga jobbBusiness Development Manager
RentalCare Sverige AB

Business Development Manager

We are looking for a business developer for a start up company that are on the forefront of combining research with AI.

The ideal candidate must possess a solid understanding of protein characterization, and understand how to talk about different applications when engaging with potential customers. This includes intermediate knowledge of how proteins are utilized in therapeutics and manufacturing.

The candidate should be a natural business development professional, driven by data and capable of independently building long-term customer relationships.

A broad network within the scientific community, including both researchers and industry professionals, is essential to gain traction within the field.

Prior experience in transitioning from start-up to scale-up within a relevant industry is highly desirable.

The candidate must have a comprehensive understanding of the sales process and experience in building and leading commercial teams.

If you enjoy to work within a start-up company and are ready to take the company to the next level this is a opportunity you do not want to miss.

Take the next step and send your application today to us.

RentalCare Sverige AB

Business Development Manager



Business development manager

Ansök senast: 2025-03-31

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